Freddi Abatti Companies grow and harvest Sudangrass Hay as a warm season grass that is adaptive to the dry, arid growing conditions such as the Imperial Valley, CA. Sudangrass is a sorghum grass and is planted in the Spring and early Summer months, and then harvested from June through September. Sudangrass Hay is typically harvested twice per season and is exported to the Asian markets for both dairy and beef. We produce both Big 3X4 bales and small 3-tie bales.
Sudangrass Hay is an excellent source of dietary fiber as its long fiber provides active rumen stimulation with a high leaf-to-stem ratio.
We also grow the variety of Piper Sudangrass Seed, both certified and non-certified. Piper Sudangrass Seed is widely used for pasture, greenchop, hay and cover crop (green manure). Piper is noted for its strong seedling vigor and rapid growth with early maturity. It recovers rapidly after cutting or grazing and this characteristic helps to increase yield.
Planting Sudangrass Seed:
Hay Broadcast = 50-100 pounds Drill = 45-80 pounds
Greenchop Broadcast = 35-60 pounds Drill = 30-50 pounds
Grazing Broadcast = 35-60 pounds Drill = 30-50 pounds
On later plantings or where extremely fine-stemmed hay is desired, the higher planting rates should be used to insure a good stand of finer stemmed plants for harvest.
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